Radiation Nullifies Pauling Cure


By Owen R. Fonorow  © 2001


The ignorance of modern cardiology is vast. Medical researchers are now headed down a bizarre path that subjects trusting heart patients to high-dose  radiation pellets in their arteries!


  BARCELONA - High-dose beta radiation, delivered along with balloon angioplasty  or stenting, appears to reduce restenosis at six months in coronary vessels,   Swiss researchers report. Using a system still under development, doctors at University Hospital in Geneva, along with colleagues in four other European centers, tested the feasibility of using intracoronary beta radiation in the treatment of  de novo lesions. They found beta radiation produced "a significant, dose-dependent inhibitory effect on restenosis after PTCA (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty) and a beneficial effect on remodelling," principal investigator Dr. Vitali Verin told doctors.  


Cardiologists and  heart surgeons are confronted with serious after effects in their patients due to conventional treatments.  Restenosis (plaque reqgrowth) is common after heart surgery and angioplasty. The American Heart Association estimates that the coronary arteries re-occlude after surgery in 40% of the patients under the care of cardiologists.  The new “high tech” way around this problem is to use dose-dependent radiation to interfere with or perhaps destroy the ability of the intima to heal itself.


This madness began in 1997, according to the European Society of Cardiology, [VOLUME 35, NO. 33, October 5, 1999], with the work by Dr. Paul Tierstein and colleagues at Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in La Jolla, Calif.  Tierstein reduced restenosis rates by using gamma radiation to stop neointimal hyperplasia, a common response to injury of the vessel wall during angioplasty.


DALLAS, TX -- Nov. 10, 1998 – Stents reduce restenosis rates significantly over the past decade, but cardiologists have been somewhat frustrated by the problem of in-stent restenosis. Now researchers report at the 71st Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association in Dallas, TX, say radiation therapy may produce a dramatic reversal of that emergent problem.


Several FDA sanctioned studies are now actively investigating whether intra-arterial radiation (as pellets or “seeds”) improves the success rate of coronary by-pass operations and angioplasty.  We can surmise from the increasing level of mass desensitization (television news “reports”) that this procedure will soon be sanctioned by the FDA


PRESS RELEASE  Guidant's intravascular radiotherapy system, developed by the company's Vascular Intervention Group, is used in conjunction with inter-ventional cardiology procedures that help clear blocked arteries in the heart. Preliminary clinical data have indicated that the application of radiation to an artery in conjunction with interventional treatments has the potential to subsequently reduce or eliminate restenosis caused by smooth muscle cell proliferation. Restenosis, the re-narrowing of an artery, remains a major clinical challenge in interventional cardiology today.


If you find this alarming, it gets worse.  The late Linus Pauling used the “cure” word in 1994 describing a vitamin C and lysine therapy for heart disease. According to Pauling, the lesions that lead to heart disease are caused by a nutritional deficiency unique to humans. (CVD is the healing response to a lesion in Pauling’s opinion.) Cardiology as a profession is silent on the Pauling’s therapy. The same profession that shows not the slightest interest in studying a claim uttered by one of the worlds preeminent scientists; a claim based on a Nobel prize in medicine and scientific proof in animals, is willing to seriously investigate the effects of high-dose radiation in patients whose stubborn arteries keep trying to heal themselves.  


… radiotherapy system is designed for patient safety and procedure simplicity and consists of a source wire, a source delivery unit and a centering catheter. The source wire is flexible and incorporates a radioactive isotope into its tip. The delivery unit stores the source wire when it is not in use and automatically advances and retracts it during a procedure. The source wire is advanced through the centering catheter, which is placed across the area to be treated. Extensive animal studies of … intravascular radiotherapy system, conducted by Dr. Raizner at Baylor, have demonstrated a significant reduction in proliferation after balloon angioplasty and stenting.


Has modern medicine lost its collective mind? Eureka! We can save the patient, all we must do is take away his natural ability to heal!  An argument can soon be made that in today’s medical wonderland,  medicine has metamorphed itself into the antithesis of healing -- by design!  It is incomprehensible to me, a lay person, that any doctors would willing interfere with the natural healing process simply to make their lucrative surgeries more attractive.   And there may be an even more sinister reason.


One should not be required to prove the obvious. High-dose intra-arterial radiation treatments are wrong-headed, dangerous, inhumane, cruel, and would nullify any chance for a nutritional based therapy to succeed.  Certainly the Pauling idea ought to be thoroughly investigated before we subject heart patients to “high dose” radiation?  Cardiologists seem much too willing to subject heart patients to a treatment that is more cruel and unusual than  punishments our laws permit for criminals.

This begs the question: Why is cardiology so far off track?  Do cardiologists have eyes?  Can they not read?  Can they not observe what works and what doesn’t work?  Since 1995 we have personally observed end-stage CVD patients completely “cured” within weeks on the high-dose Pauling vitamin C/lysine therapy.  Pauling used the word “miraculous” and he was not over stating the effect. By "cured" we mean that end-stage CVD patients report the complete cessation of their angina pain, color returns, blood pressure drops, blood flow increases, blockages disappear, heart rates drop, lipid profiles normalize, energy increases as does the sense of well being. Patients who had failed now pass treadmill stress tests without surgery or any other medical intervention. Patients barely able to walk before adopting the Pauling therapy report that within months they can dig fence post holes and cut down trees. Some doctors have even told such patients that new blood vessels have "grown" as an explanation for the increased blood flow to the coronary arteries feeding the heart. 

Based on our these observations and similar reports, we have little doubt that the proposed use of  "high dose" radiation particles inside arteries to stop the regrowth of plaque is at best unethical, and at worst criminal. To the extent intra-arterial radiation treatments interfere with the ability of the artery to heal normally (and they must), these radiation treatments make success from the Linus Pauling/Matthias Rath vitamin C/lysine cure impossible. (Pauling's therapy relies on the artery healing itself. Radiation would interfere with any non-invasive therapy that relies on healing, e.g. EDTA Chelation therapy.)


We sincerely hope that the intra-arterial radiation research is based on ignorance. Since radiation is being widely studied, it is evidence that cardiovascular doctors, as a group, are entirely ignorant of the Pauling unified theory.  The question of course is why?  Why are some of the most educated professionals in our society the most ignorant about the condition they are supposed to treat on a daily basis? 


No profit oriented drug company will inform cardiologists about the Pauling/Rath unified theory.   So how does the average nuclear cardiologist learn about it?  Answer: They  don’t.  No cardiologist or heart surgeon has ever been informed or heard about vitamin C and lysine from an official source or respected authority.  They do not realize that they can completely cure their patients in less than 6 months, simply, safely, and with the good effects becoming pronounced after 2 weeks. 


Ignorance perpetuates itself. Cardiologists can not believe this could be true and they would not know. 


Some EDTA Chelation doctors are equally as fallible.

An Overview to the Unknown Unified Theory


The following summary is based on a large body of astounding research that has been kept from medical doctors for self-serving economic reasons:


·        Linus Pauling invented his non-prescription cure for Heart Disease in 1991.  He announced it as the cure in 1994.

·        The protocol is based on knowledge first offered to the world in the 1940s, culminating in the 1985 Nobel Prize in Medicine. The Pauling therapy is supported by experimental proof conducted at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine.

·        Early MDs/scientists (Willis/Paterson) recognized that plaque formation is uniform and localized. Most surgically removed plaque is within inches of the human heart where the blood vessels are stretched and bent, implicating high blood pressures and mechanical stress caused by the heart beat.

·        It is now generally accepted that atherosclerotic plaques deposit in response to injury. The 1985 Nobel prize was awarded for the discovery of  the Lysine Binding sites.  The Unified Theory, relying on the Nobel prize, and the earlier Willis work, blames mechanical stress fractures (caused by high blood pressures, stretching and bending, etc.) for the lesion.

·        It is unlikely that the primary cause of the lesions that lead to heart disease are caused by "poisons" circulating in the blood because plaques are not randomly distributed. (Note: In a heart bypass, veins from the leg are used which are without plaque.)

·        According to theory, the root cause of  atherosclerotic plaque deposits is a vitamin C deficiency. This specific deficiency limits our ability to produce the structural super-protein collagen.

·        Heart disease is unknown in most animal species. Pauling and Rath  think humans are less resistant to damage from the heart beat's mechanical stress than animals because they lack a specific protein (collagen) caused by a specific vitamin deficiency (ascorbic acid). A vitamin deficiency impossible in most animals! Humans must supplement 100 times the RDA of vitamin C to get the equivalent of what animals generally make in their livers or kidneys.

·         The correct terminology for cardiovascular (heart) disease is either "chronic" scurvy  or "sub clinical" scurvy.

·        Medicine has been deliberately steered astray about vitamin C since the 1940s.

·        Elevated cholesterol, elevated homocysteine, and oxidized cholesterol then, are effects, not the cause of CVD. Sugar intake is more closely correlated to cardiovascular disease than cholesterol intake. 

The All to Simple Cure for Heart Disease


Pauling and Rath claim that specific non-toxic substances called Lp(a) binding inhibitors taken orally will prevent and even dissolve existing atherosclerotic plaque build-ups. Three United States of America Patents have been granted on the Pauling/Rath method.


The three primary "Lp(a) binding inhibitor" substances are vitamin C, lysine and proline.


The Pauling mega-nutrient therapy to counter Lp(a) increases blood concentrations of important substances that will:


·        Strengthen and heal blood vessels,

·        Lower Lp(a) blood levels and keep Lp(a) levels low, and

·        Inhibit the binding of Lp(a) molecules to the walls of blood vessels.


Lysine and proline work to unbind Lp(a) from the arterial wall.


Unlike ordinary drugs, there are no health risks.


Linus Pauling recorded a video in 1992 that describes these findings.


There is an awesome elegance that these binding inhibitors (vitamin C/lysine)

are completely non-toxic, yet they have been shown to dissolve plaque in vitro. They are also the basic building blocks of collagen. The unified theory places poor collagen production at the root of  the heart disease problem. Therefore, the Pauling therapy not only melts plaque, but it treats the root cause: inadequate collagen production.

Radiation: The Wrong Answer to the Wrong Question


If, as Pauling and Rath claim, plaque formation is a surrogate healing process, doctors should not be surprised that plaque reoccurs after invasive surgery. Mainstream medical science has known since 1989  that only Lp(a) (not LDL cholesterol) binds to form atherosclerotic plaques. Pauling and Rath, expanding on these findings, identified Lp(a) as an evolutionary surrogate for low vitamin C in humans. Not only will high dose intra-arterial radiation interfere with the healing of chronic scurvy,  the great risk nuclear cardiologists subject these patients to is completely unnecessary. Patients who are subjected to radiation will not be able to heal normally, and they will likely suffer premature death. If the patients live, how can anyone know the dangerous side effects that radiation may itself cause (e.g. cancer.)


The doctors who use radiation to stop restenosis do not really understand the disease they are charged to treat.  If they do understand, then they are acting in a criminal manner.  We conclude, therefore, that the true nature of heart disease is unknown to cardiologists who would otherwise know that restenosis is completely preventable and that high-dose radiation procedures are completely unnecessary.


Damaged arteries must heal. When the surgeon cuts (by pass) or damages the arteries (angioplasty) how can they be surprised that the scab (atherosclerotic plaques) reforms. Any therapy that  unnaturally interferes with this healing process (beta radiation) poses such a great risk to the overall health of the patient, that there can be no ethical basis for it what-so-ever. 


The average person might assume that since there is no known harm, cardiologists would have nothing to lose by trying a safe nutritional therapy. The average person has a lot to learn.  Cardiologists believe that their profession is based on strict science and they are taught that there is no value in nutritional therapies, especially vitamin C.  The great scientist Linus Pauling himself argued that a full clinical trial was not necessary in this case with such obvious positive results and so little downside. If Pauling is wrong, no harm done.  If cardiology is wrong, millions have died needlessly.


In 1995, we didn’t know whether Pauling was right or wrong.  So we made it a point to ask the thousands of callers about their daily vitamin C intake. Those with severe, end-stage CVD say they did not supplement, or they stopped their supplemental vitamin C.  We estimate that of the 1000 to 2000 callers since 1995 with severe heart disease, 95% claimed to have taken less than 500 mg.  I have never found any person who takes more than 10 g (10,000 mg) of vitamin C daily who has any evidence of heart disease (and neither has Life Extension Foundation.  LEF recently ran such a study with high vitamin C users.  See www.lef.org/featured-articles/may2000_vitamin_c_01.html)


What of all the heart patients in hospitals? Cardiologists routinely tell their patients that there is no value in vitamin C. Does any reader believe that any patient under the care of a modern cardiologist is supplementing vitamin C?


The results of our informal survey have been so overwhelming one-sided, we conclude that professional cardiologists are blinded, either by economic and or political considerations. (It is interesting that retired cardiologists are not so blind.)  That vitamin C is the leading risk factor in heart disease is easily proven, shown by countless studies, but completely ignored by cardiology.


Any person connected with alternative medicine long enough has become paranoid, and although hard for even us to believe, maybe there is an ulterior  motive  behind the on-going intra-arterial radiation research? The real problem facing cardiology is that the good effects of the Pauling therapy are rapid, pronounced, dramatic, and without downside.


The American heart association estimates that the cost of heart disease was 326 billion dollars in the year 2000.  This includes time lost at work, etc.  If medicine had acted on the Pauling claims back in 1994 or 1995, more than a million lives and trillions of dollars would have been saved.  This makes ignoring the Pauling/Rath heart disease cure the most costly suppression ever perpetrated by the medico-pharmaceutical complex on humankind.  And now that knowledge of the Pauling cure is rapidly spreading, thanks to the Internet, nuclear cardiologists may have found a clever way to preserve the cash cow:  Intra-arterial high dose radiation. So we can’t help thinking that the real purpose behind the push to sanction “high dose” intra-arterial radiation is to keep heart patients perpetually ill. For only in this way can cardiologists guarantee a lucrative income stream that is in great danger of drying up -- soon.  Cardiology simply can not compete head on with the Pauling and vitamin supplemented Chelation therapies.  We must say no. It bears repeating: It would be impossible to cure someone who has been given  a radiation dose to stop healing, and maybe that is the point? To make  these people incurable? What other explanation is there?



It is important to keep the danger of inter-arterial radiation in perspective using the Pauling/Rath Unified theory. If patients are not getting enough vitamin C to produce collagen, and their blood vessels are wearing down, then the Lp(a) plaque is of great benefit to them. Simply removing plaque (angioplasty) without restoring the vein or artery to health is like tearing a scab off a wound. Intra-arterial radiation only compounds this basic theoretical problem.  One should not remove the scab until after

the tissue underneath has started healing. The body needs sufficient vitamin

C so veins and arteries can heal.   If radiation works because it destroys the ability to heal, we have the worst of all possible worlds.  But of course, the perfect means to expand the cardiologist bank account. 


Who cares about the patient?  Apparently the CVD patient’s health takes a back seat to the health of the technician who applies the radiation!


"Beta radiation travels a short distance in the artery and does not leave the body, so it has a great attraction for the operator, because there's no radiation exposure," said Dr. Spencer King, professor of medicine (cardiology) and radiology at Emory University Medical Centre in Atlanta


Dear reader be advised, if your doctor prescribes a therapy such as intra-aterial radiation that interferes with your ability to heal, then the Pauling Therapy and any other complimentary therapy (i.e. EDTA Chelation) that works by healing, WILL NOT WORK for you, and may never work. Our advice: Avoid radiation for restenosis at all costs. A doctor who advises it should be considered extremely ignorant, incompetent, or worse. Tell him you would prefer to try the Pauling therapy first.   If he refuses, and insists on a radioactive approach, I would report the doctor to criminal authorities.


If you have already been subjected to radiation therapy, and are interested

in a class action lawsuit to halt this dangerous procedure, contact us.


Owen Fonorow



Fax: 630-416-1309




Teirstein PS, Massullo V, Jani S, et al. Catheter-based radiotherapy to inhibit restenosis after coronary stenting. N EnglJ Med 1997;336:1697-703.


Condado JA, Waksman R, Gurdiel O, et al. Long-term angiographic and clinical outcome after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and intracoronary radiation therapy in humans. Circulation 1997;96:727-32.


King SB, Williams DO, Chougule P, et al. Intracoronary beta radiation inhibits late lumen loss following balloon angioplasty: results of the BERT-1 trial [abstract]. Circulation 1997;96:1-219.


"The Beta Energy Restenosis Trial: Update Results and Subgroup  Analysis" ­ King, Spencer; Klein, J.; Williams, David; Bonan, Raoul; Waksman, Ron; Crocker,



Pauling, Linus, Heart Disease Video: Unified Theory of Cause and Cure, 1993.