September 2004

Dear Mr. President.

It is perfectly understandable why heart patients, for the most part, place their trust in their doctors. But there is a great deal about cardiovascular disease that American doctors don't know simply because the facts have never been published in mainstream medical journals.

In 1992 the late Nobelist Linus Pauling had made a definitive statement regarding the nature and cause of cardiovascular disease. Upon experimental confirmation of his theory, Pauling recommended a simple, safe and effective method for reversing the slow build-up of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries.

During the past ten years, doctors and patients familiar with the Pauling method have observed that high dosage vitamin C and lysine safely reverses seemingly hopeless cases of this disease within days. (See ) These patients did not heed their doctor's advice to replace a few inches of arteries near the heart. By declining the surgery, these patients didn't face the following risks:

  1. Stroke during or shortley after surgery (2%),
  2. Cognitive dysfunction (up to 40%), or
  3. Restenosis (plaque regrowth) worse than the original blockages (40%),

The public now has the capability to objectively measure their cholesterol at home on a daily basis. Home cholesterol monitoring devices provide prompt and clear evidence of the efficacy of Pauling treatment. These devices show that the proper dosage (of Vitamin C and Lysine - with the addition of CoQ10) can lower cholesterol in a few short days. Following is a recent, recorded testimonial:

Sep 2004
The Pauling Therapy (high dosage vitamin C/lysine/proline) is working well for my mother and I don't want her to run out. Her Cholesterol was over 500 a month ago, severe blockage and has had by-pass surgery and carotid surgery twice. She went in for her checkup the end of last week and her cholesterol is now down to 183 and the rest of the tests were normal. They even cut the dosages on some of her medicines. She will be going back in a month to follow-up and see if the numbers stay there. I don't know if the product did all of that in a month but it didn't hurt either. She has been cooking and cleaning again for the last two weeks which she hasn't been able to do in over a year. So you can see why I don't want it to run out. - Gary Myers, Leslie, Missouri 63056

The cure for the leading killer of Americans is real. It was proposed by a world-renown scientist, and will someday be recognized as one of the greatest scientific achievements of the twentieth century. We hope that you will be one of those lucky enough to find out about Pauling method without further risk to your health and longevity.

Owen Fonorow, Naturopath, Ph.D.
Vitamin C Foundation
PO Box 3097, Lisle, IL  60532
630-416-1438, Fax: 630-416-1309